Clarkson University Master of Science in Electrical & Computer Engineering | Electric Power Concentration

A Partnership to Shape the Future of Energy

Clarkson University pioneered the Electric Power program in collaboration with leading utility providers with the goal of combining Clarkson’s engineering expertise with a practical, industry-tailored curriculum that would meet the operational needs of organizations in the energy industry. The end result– a comprehensive 2.5 year, cohort-based, distance program of study in electric power engineering.

Clarkson’s Master of Science in Electrical & Computer Engineering with a Power Engineering concentration consists of 30 total graduate credits completed 100-percent online through asynchronous coursework, including:

  • 6 required courses
  • 3 elective courses (in electrical engineering or related areas)
  • 2 credit hours of seminar work
  • 1 credit hour project

Upon degree completion, students will graduate with an Advanced Certificate in Power Systems Engineering in addition to the Master’s in Electrical & Computer Engineering.

Contact Us

For application questions:
Lynn Pauly

For program details:
Philip Barker


Required Courses (6)

  • EE 680 Power Systems I
  • EE 681 Power Systems II
  • EE 537 Protective Relaying for Power Systems
  • EE 637 Interconnection of DER to the Electric Power System
  • ES 510 Strategic Project Management
  • BOE 610 Fundamentals of Business of Energy

Elective Courses (3)

A range of options exist for elective courses, which are chosen in consultation with the student’s advisor. However, at least one elective must be an electrical engineering course. Potential electives directly in the power engineering area include:

  • Power Distribution
  • Microgrids
  • High Voltage Techniques & Measurements
  • Power System Planning

Course Delivery & Program Format

The initial required course sequence will be presented in 6 consecutive quarter terms (10 week segments), with one course per term for the first 18 months. The elective courses portion will be given over a 12 month period following the required course sequence.

The courses will be presented in an asynchronous mode (where you view that week’s lecture on your own schedule), with lectures available for viewing over a web interface. The course instructor will be available to students, through a variety of technologies suitable for the course content. Several of the courses and the seminar may include occasional live-online meetings scheduled on a Saturday.

Application Procedure & Admission Requirements

The distance Power Engineering program is geared primarily for engineers working in the power industry, including electric power utilities and/or companies involved in manufacturing equipment for, designing, or analyzing electric power systems, and who have a desire to earn a Master’s in Electrical Engineering degree with a focus in Power Engineering.

Application Requirements:

  • Resume
  • Official Transcripts (unofficial transcripts can be submitted for application review)
  • 2 Letters of Recommendation
  • GRE Requirement – waived for applicants with an ABET accredited engineering degree


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering or a related field
  • An engineering course in electric circuits is required to take the first required course (EE680)

The Director of the Power Engineering Cohort Program will provide you with a link and a passcode when it is time to apply. Applicants are expected to have suitable preparation to handle graduate level power engineering courses from their undergraduate education and/or work experience. Admission is subject to meeting Clarkson’s admission standards. (Note that official transcripts are required to be directly sent to the Registrar before students can be admitted to Clarkson.)